About Josephine

Welcome to The Josie World!

Josephine Palm is 33 years old and living in San Francisco, California, where she is working as a management consultant and a robotics business developer, alongside with running her own businesses. She is originally from Norrkoping, Sweden, and have spent many years working is the US, Europe, and Asia.

Josephine was a finalist in the Swedish baking show Hela Sverige Bakar 2012. (The sweish version of the Great British Bake-Off)

She has published more than 1500 recipes in various magazines such as BAKA, Hembakat, Hemmets Journal, Året Runt, Bakat och Gott etc and seen in TV shows on Swedish and Norwegian Television. She is also co founder of the Podcast Restaurangpodden.

Josephine’s latest book, ”BAKA, lite glammigare, lite roligare” (Ica Bokförlag/Forma Books) is available in stores and online. The new book The Expat Kitchen will be out in stores in Feb 2021.

Do you have questions about the website? or do you want to book an interview/event?  Email: info@josephinepalm.com